
  • Türkçe
  • English

About Me

Birth Date and Place: 1966, Istanbul

Marital Status: Married and father of two

Junior High and High School Education: Private Austrian High-School - Istanbul 1977-1985

University Education: Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 1985-1991

Residency: I.U., Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology D, 1991-1995

Fellowship: I.U., Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology D, 1996-2003

Associate Professorship: I.U., Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology D, 2003-2009

Professorship: I.U., Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology D, 2003- Current


Organisations Worked in:

I.U., Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology D:  1991 – Current

Private Eralp Polyclinic: 2010 - Current

VKV American Hospital 2016 - Current


Education after Fellowship:

Arthroplasty Education (Holzminden, Germany) - 2006

Oncologic Orthopaedics and External Fixation Eduction (Kanazawa - Japan) - 2003 (SICOT Scholarship)

Lengthening with Motorised Nail Education (Munich, Germany) - 2003

Orthopaedics Infection Education (Atlanta, USA) - 2004

AO Master Trauma Education (Ankara, Turkey) - 2011


Book Editorship: 2 books

Book Chapter Authorship: 12 chapters (three international)

Scientific Articles: 144 articles (55 in international and 89 in national journals)

Congress Oral Notices: 126 (38 international and 88 national)

Conferences: 76 (12 international and 64 national)

Course Organisation: 28 (2 international and 26 national)

Congress Organisation: 9 (3 international and 6 national)


Associations he is a Member of:




Totbid, Totder, Turkish Asami, Kas – Iskelet Sistemi Tümörleri Derneği (Muscoloskeletal System Tumors Association)


Journal Reviewership: Editorial Board member of a total of 8 journals (5 international, 3 national)

Professional Interest Areas: Oncologic Orthopaedics, Orthopaedic Infections, External Fixation Surgery (Reconstructive Surgery and Lengthening), Arthroplasty, Trauma Surgery, Advanced paediatric Reconstructions

Foreign Languages: Advanced English and German, Intermediate Latin

Hobbies: Sailing, Scuba diving, Underwater photography, Books about history, philosophy and Islamic mysticism, listening to music.

Dream: Own music show in radio.